Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Clinic Las Vegas

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Men’s Focus of Las Vegas is a low cost “One-Stop” male performance clinic that treats erectile dysfunction, testosterone replacement therapy and anti-aging using Sermorelin as well as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Hair Restoration. Men’s Focus of Las Vegas is a physician owned and operated medical clinic that does not utilize Nurse Practitioner’s or Physician Assistant’s.

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”How does ED Clinic Las Vegas of Las Vegas differ from other Male Performance Clinics?” open=”no”]

Because Men’s Focus of Las Vegas is a low cost male performance clinic the doctors visit and medication’s are kept at a very nominal and reasonable fee through the alliances that we have developed with compounding pharmacies.

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”Why are Viagra and Cialis so expensive ($60/pill) through the “Chain” Pharmacies like Walgreens, CVS, Target, Costco and Sams Club?” open=”no”]

There really is no “Rhyme or Reason” for the price increase over the past 20 years. When Viagra and Cialis came out on the market in 1998 the brand name medication ranged anywhere from $8-$10/pill fast forward to 2018 and the price per pill is $60. That’s Right $60/pill, however with the advent of Compounding Pharmacies the very same product with the very same ingredients for both Viagra and Cialis is as low as $8/pill and these products are just as good if not better.

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”What is the price difference and quality for Erectile Dysfunction medication with Chain Pharmacies (i.e. Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, Target, Costco) Vs. Compounding Pharmacies?” open=”no”]The price difference is huge starting at $8/pill with compounding pharmacies for ED medication vs. $60/pill with brand name (chain pharmacy) ED medications; the quality for compounded ED medications are far more superior because they are formulated with fresher ingredients because of the turnover and price difference and because they custom formulated.[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”I saw cheap Viagra and Cialis for sale online that did not require a prescription; is it worth buying my ED medication online?” open=”no”]

Unfortunately, despite the laws and regulations for the sale of pharmaceuticals, there will always be a “Black Market” for obtaining medication and the same goes for Erectile Dysfunction medication. All “Legitimate” pharmaceutical ED medications still require a doctors prescription so when you see a website on the internet that claims you can get Viagra or Cialis or any pharmaceutical drug for that matter without a prescription, then you can be sure that it is a “Scam” and they are selling you “Fake” medication or if the medication is “Real” they are operating illegally. Most of these websites operate outside of the U.S. and are usually operating in Mexico, China or Eastern Europe and they are manufacturing “Sugar Pills”.

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=” I was thinking of using an herbal supplement for Erectile Dysfunction; are they just as effective as pharmaceutical ED medications such as Viagra or Cialis?” open=”no”]Yes, they can be depending upon what they are formulated with; it is always best to do some preliminary research as to what they are formulated with as well as consult with your doctor before using an herbal supplement for ED[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”What is the active ingredient in Viagra?” open=”no”]The active ingredient in Viagra is Sildenafil Citrate and was originally formulated and marketed as a Pulmonary Hypertension medication, after a number of years it was soon discovered as a very effective “off-Label” medication for erectile dysfunction and was rebranded in 1998 by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals as Viagra. Each Viagra tablet is formulated in a 25, 50 and 100mg tablet whereas compounded Sildenafil Citrate comes in a 30, 55 and 110mg capsule or troche and is less than half the price of the brand name Viagra.[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”What is the active ingredient in Cialis?” open=”no”]Tadalafil; Cialis is formulated in 2, 5, 10 and 20mg tablets whereas compounded in 3,7,12 and 25mg capsules or troches and is less than half the price as brand name Cialis.[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”What can I expect in compounded ED medications that I cannot expect in Viagra or Cialis from a chain pharmacy.” open=”no”]With compounded Sildenafil and Tadalafil you will find 4 distinct differences and that is 1.) Expect to pay less than half the amount on a per capsule or per troche basis 2.) Compounded ED medications are formulated in a capsule or troche form (troche’ are soft round or square in shape and is a fast acting (within 30 minutes) form of medication that melts underneath the tongue (sublingual) 3.) Compounded medications are fresher because they are custom made on a daily basis and because the turnover is high 4.) Custom medications are custom made and custom formulated with other ingredients to help not only with ED but also with Libido and Premature Ejaculation.[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”Does ED Clinic Las Vegas have an age limit for treating ED?” open=”no”]

Yes, we will not treat a male under 30 years of age for ED, it is best to consult with a specialist (i.e. Urologist or Endocrinologist) if you are under 30 years of age and suffering with ED.

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”How much can I expect to spend at ED Clinic Las Vegas for Erectile Dysfunction treatment?” open=”no”]

The initial doctors visit is $80 and you can expect to pay as little as $4.50/capsule on up to $12/capsule depending on the dose and ED medication that you purchase. ED Clinic Las Vegas will save you between 60-85% compared to most offices.

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”How often do I have to see the doctor at ED Clinic Las Vegas for my ED Medication?” open=”no”]

We provide enough medication on a prescription for 30-60 days, however you can get a refill through our compounding pharmacy without having to keep paying for the doctors visit.

[/fusion_toggle][fusion_toggle title=”Does ED Clinic Las Vegas offer any other services for male performance?” open=”no”]

Absolutely yes, we offer Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Anti-Aging, Erectile Dysfunction as well as Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Restoration.
